Jana Lamačová brings home the MMA World Champion title in the 65.8 kg category from Abu Dhabi.

What does the title mean to you, and what changes do you expect in your MMA career?
It means that I will definitely keep pushing forward. It’s clear that all the effort we’re putting in with my coaches is paying off, and we want to continue in the same way. What will change—well, we’ll see. Unfortunately, I don’t have many opponents in my category in the Czech Republic, so we’ll try to find some abroad so that I can keep training and actively competing in MMA.
What was your toughest match on your way to the title?
Nějtěžší zápas byl v semifinále proti mexičance. Soupeřka byla zkušená a silná, zároveň měla teprve jeden zápas za sebou, zatímco já už nastupovala do třetího zápasu v daném dni. Už při rozcvičce na mě byla vidět únava. Nakonec se ale podařilo mexičanku udolat a postoupit do finále.
What favorite techniques did you master during training, and did you use them in the title match?
V tréninku jsme se moc nových technik neučili, pracovali jsme hodně na wrestlingu, který jsem využívala dost. U submisí ale jinak používám vždy to, co umím nejlépe, například armbar.
Co je armbar
One of the main aspects of the project is a nationwide competition, where young athletes have the opportunity to challenge professionals.
What helps you deal with nervousness before a fight?
The more I fight, the less nervous I get, and recently, I hardly feel any nervousness at all. The best thing is probably to focus on yourself and the fight, and not worry about things around you.
How much of an impact did your coach have on winning the title, and how important is support from those around you?
He had a huge impact; he couldn’t have prepared me better, and who knows how it would have turned out if he hadn’t dedicated so much time to me. Support is important to me mainly from my closest circle (family and coaches). Even if no one believed in me, I would still go and fight because I know what I am capable of, and I don't care if others don't believe in it.
What is your advice for managing fatigue during training or a fight?
During a fight, the best way to handle fatigue is to calm your breathing, avoid wasting energy unnecessarily, and just push through it. Once you're in there, nothing else can help you at that moment. Otherwise, the most effective way to fight fatigue is quality sleep and a good diet.
How did you celebrate your title?
We celebrated with a dinner in the style of Indian cuisine. After returning to the Czech Republic, we organized a club barbecue.
What are your future plans—what would you like to achieve or who would you like to fight?
In the future, I want to win as many amateur championships as possible (while I still can) and make a name for myself before entering the professional league. I don’t have a dream opponent yet.
What advice would you give to people who want to start with MMA?
Probably nothing other than finding a good club and just starting to train. Waiting won’t help, and the sooner you start, the more grateful you’ll be to your younger self.
What does the title mean to you, and what changes do you expect in your MMA career?
It means that I will definitely keep pushing forward. It’s clear that all the effort we’re putting in with my coaches is paying off, and we want to continue in the same way. What will change—well, we’ll see. Unfortunately, I don’t have many opponents in my category in the Czech Republic, so we’ll try to find some abroad so that I can keep training and actively competing in MMA.
What was your toughest match on your way to the title?
The toughest match was in the semifinals against a Mexican opponent. She was experienced and strong, and she had only one fight behind her, while I was entering my third match of the day. I was already showing signs of fatigue during the warm-up. But in the end, I managed to defeat the Mexican fighter and move on to the finals.
What favorite techniques did you master during training, and did you use them in the title match?
We didn’t learn many new techniques in training; we focused a lot on wrestling, which I used a lot. As for submissions, I usually use what I know best, like the armbar.

Jana Lamačová.
A sixteen-year-old fighter who has already achieved:
- Czech Championship in Boxing up to 66 kg
- European MMA Championship U18
- World MMA Championship in the up to 65.8 kg category
In addition to this, Jana also competes in K1, grappling, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
What helps you deal with nervousness before a fight?
The more I fight, the less nervous I get, and recently, I hardly feel any nervousness at all. The best thing is probably to focus on yourself and the fight, and not worry about things around you.
How much of an impact did your coach have on winning the title, and how important is support from those around you?
He had a huge impact; he couldn’t have prepared me better, and who knows how it would have turned out if he hadn’t dedicated so much time to me. Support is important to me mainly from my closest circle (family and coaches). Even if no one believed in me, I would still go and fight because I know what I am capable of, and I don't care if others don't believe in it.
Editor’s note: Jana's coach is the talented fighter Tim Ha, another athlete represented by JANDASPORT.®.
What is your advice for managing fatigue during training or a fight?
During a fight, the best way to handle fatigue is to calm your breathing, avoid wasting energy unnecessarily, and just push through it. Once you're in there, nothing else can help you at that moment. Otherwise, the most effective way to fight fatigue is quality sleep and a good diet.
How did you celebrate your title?
We celebrated with a dinner in the style of Indian cuisine. After returning to the Czech Republic, we organized a club barbecue.
What are your future plans—what would you like to achieve or who would you like to fight?
In the future, I want to win as many amateur championships as possible (while I still can) and make a name for myself before entering the professional league. I don’t have a dream opponent yet.
What advice would you give to people who want to start with MMA?
Probably nothing other than finding a good club and just starting to train. Waiting won’t help, and the sooner you start, the more grateful you’ll be to your younger self.
Jana's MMA Record.
As of 19.8.2024.

What is an armbar?
The technique originates from judo, where it is called juji-gatame. It can be applied in several ways, the most common being ude-hishigi-juji-gatame , also known as the armbar. This technique is a very popular winning move in matches; for example, Ronda Rousey, a bronze medalist in judo at the Beijing Olympics, dominated with it in the UFC. The armbar is also used in some self-defense systems.
When training this technique, it is important to prioritize safety. Even the slightest pull or pain in the elbow can cause injury. Therefore, armbars should never be fully applied. Some individuals with hypermobility in the elbow joint may not feel pain, but injury can still occur. This can lead to strain on muscle attachments or even dislocation of the arm at the elbow joint.
Would you like to support Jana or collaborate with her?
Contact us to discuss the possibilities of cooperation or partnership.

We help athletes on their journey to success.
We support athletes on their path through assistance with sponsorships, partnerships, marketing, and legal matters. At the same time, we motivate young people to engage in sports, whatever the discipline may be. Our goal is to create role models out of athletes who will inspire and motivate the next generation. We want to popularize sports in general and encourage the public to be more active.

Would you like to support Jana or collaborate with her?
Contact us to discuss the possibilities of cooperation or partnership.

We help athletes on their journey to success.
We support athletes on their path through assistance with sponsorships, partnerships, marketing, and legal matters. At the same time, we motivate young people to engage in sports, whatever the discipline may be. Our goal is to create role models out of athletes who will inspire and motivate the next generation. We want to popularize sports in general and encourage the public to be more active.

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